Discontinuation of CEENU lomustine 10mg capsule bottle Australia, USA Option
Dear Healthcare Professional, Discontinuation of CEENU lomustine 10mg capsule bottle (AUST R: 19252) Pro Pharmaceuticals Group recognises the importance of supplying essential medicines in Australia and would like to advise you the change in supply status of CEENU lomustine 10mg capsule bottle (AUST R: 19252) in Australia.
The Australian registered medicine, CEENU lomustine 10mg capsule bottle (AUST R: 19252) sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Australia Pty Ltd is expected to be discontinued on 30 June 2024.
Pro Pharmaceuticals Group has arranged for the supply of an alternative product, GLEOSTINE (lomustine) 10mg capsules (USA). This product is NOT registered in Australia and supply is authorised under an exemption granted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) under section 19A of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 until 30th June 2026
Please pass this onto your members.
We have attached the Dear Health Care Professional letter along with the Product Information and Pack Insert , please let us know if you have any questions.
For any orders please email to orders@propg.com.au or visit our website www.propg.com.au
