Pro PG receives S19A approval for - Ozempic 0.25mg & 0.5mg solution for injection in pre-filled pen
Dear Healthcare Professional,

OZEMPIC 0.25/0.5 mg semaglutide (rys) 1.34 mg/mL solution for injection pre-filled pen AUST R: 308324 - shortage and alternative supply arrangement
Pro Pharmaceuticals Group (ProPG) advises that due to a shortage of Australian registered OZEMPIC 0.25/0.5 mg semaglutide (rys) 1.34 mg/mL solution for injection pre-filled pen AUST R: 308324.
ProPG has arranged for an alternative product Ozempic 0.25mg & 0.5mg solution for injection in pre-filled pen (USA) . The S19A product is registered and marketed in the USA and the supply is authorized under an exemption granted by the TGA under Section 19A of the Therapeutic Goods Act, 1989 until 30th September 2022.